
  • Unlimited Disk Space 
  • Unlimited Monthly Traffic 
  • Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 
  • 1 CPU Core
  • Unlimited MySQL Storage 
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts 
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases 
  • 5 PgSQL Databases 
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts 
  • 1 IP Address


  • Unlimited Disk Space 
  • Unlimited Monthly Traffic 
  • Unlimited Hosted Domain(s) 
  • 2 CPU Cores
  • Unlimited MySQL Storage 
  • Unlimited E-mail Accounts 
  • Unlimited MySQL Databases 
  • Unlimited PgSQL Databases 
  • Unlimited FTP Accounts 
  • 1 IP Address

Semi-dedicated Hosting Plans

A semi–dedicated server will give you massive server resources and is suitable for multimedia–intensive websites. Easily get a modern hosting plan with the click of a mouse.

World Class Data Centers

Top-Of-The-Line Data Centers Worldwide

All semi-dedicated hosting plans are in our top-class data centers. Our worldwide data centers make it possible for us to deploy our customized internal networks and supply our hardware in due time. Likewise, we have a great support team, which is readily available 7 days a week. Another great advantage of our data centers is that they offer great network connectivity worldwide. Because of that, all semi-dedicated hosting plans will benefit from high site loading speeds.

Increased Resource Quotas

Significantly More Resources For Your Web Apps and Sites

If shared hosting cannot accommodate your resource intensive sites, then a semi-dedicated server is simply the answer for you. With Custom Cloud Creations, you’re going to get a semi-dedicated hosting plan with massive resource quotas that’ll be able to support your websites and apps without going offline in peak usage periods. And since you only share the machine with a few consumers, even if anyone surpasses their specified resource limits, this isn’t going to impact the functionality of the server.

Website Control Panel

All Crucial Site Settings In One Single Place

Easily manage all of your sites with a click of your mouse utilizing our easy to use and install web apps. It includes a drag–and–drop File Manager, an all–inclusive domain names manager, a prompt E-mail Manager, a database manager, an extensive statistics interface, and countless advanced tools.

Increased Database Queries

Host Dynamic Database Tables With Ease

Our semi-dedicated hosting plans include plenty of allocated database queries. This can help you maintain much more resource intensive websites without the risk of service interruptions. Our semi-dedicated hosting plans come with various database query quotas, which enable you to choose the setup that suits your database processing necessities.

Faster Performance

Your Sites Will Load Faster

Our semi-dedicated hosting plans assure much faster overall performance of your sites. The system data transfer has been optimized to boost network connectivity and to make all of your sites load more rapidly. Additional servers have been put in to optimize server routine maintenance operations and to reduce frustrating service interruptions and downtimes. Our semi-dedicated servers use SSD drives, which are considerably more durable and quicker as compared to the common HDDs used by the majority of web hosting service providers.

Enhanced Service Stability And Security

Secure Your Sites With Our Semi-Dedicated Servers

We have designed our semi-dedicated hosting plans with reliability, functionality, and security in mind. The server load is evenly spread among several physical servers, thus your sites will load swiftly even if the server is under stress. The hosting environment is substantially less liable to malicious attacks such as denial of service and hacking.

What Is A Semi-Dedicated Server?

A semi-dedicated server is a hybrid solution between a managed server and a dedicated server. It was designed to meet the needs of users who need much more resources than a regular hosting account can offer, but don’t want to deal with any server management tasks and prefer a much simpler solution. Custom Cloud Creations offers a variety of semi-dedicated servers built atop our innovative hosting platform, providing great features and amazing performance, coupled with top-notch security.

The Advantages Of Semi-Dedicated Servers

SSD Storage

Solid-state drives dominate hard disk drives in nearly every way possible. Because of their dominance, all of our semi-dedicated servers use SSDs, providing optimal performance without input/output bottlenecks.

CPU Allocation

Each semi-dedicated server configuration allots a majority of the CPU power to your account. To meet the processing resource needs of our clients and to provide optimal performance with no compromises, we utilize top-of-the-line multi-core CPUs.

MySQL Queries

Our semi-dedicated servers come with lavish MySQL query quotas, allowing you to grow unhindered. This allows you to build dynamic sites that fetch data from databases, the more popular it becomes, the more queries its database will be able to handle without issue.

Hardened Security

We work hard to create a secure environment for your sites. The comprehensive firewall automatically protects your account. You can also easily control the access of traffic from your account via your control panel.

Top-Of-The-Line Server Hardware

A high-level hosting platform naturally uses top-level hardware. We use enterprise-grade hardware components that are thoroughly tested before going into our production environment.